My name is
Rev. Bertram “Be’Jay” Major the Founder & Host of The God’s Recording Podcast. I taped the first episode on Saturday, December 14, 2002 at age 11. Since the , God’s Recording has been on a mission to win souls for Christ and encourage the masses through podcasting. Also I interview Gospel Recording Artists, Authors, Business owners, mime teams, Spoken word artists, etc. This is the second time The God’s Recording Podcast has been nominated for Podcast Of The Year for an Awards platform. It’s very humbling 🙏🏿 and I’m forever grateful.
Congratulations to all of the nominees!!!
The God’s Recording Podcast
TikTok & Instagram: godsrecording_podcast
Currently, my podcast is on a 3 week break until Friday, March 24th. You watch or listen to past episodes. The links to YouTube and streaming platforms are below, Be Blessed:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@godsrecording_podcast
Anchor : https://anchor.fm/godsrecordingpodcast
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gods-recording-podcast/id1501755878
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5qnbt1H6T6HQnCUdmQVQLx