TEASER ALERT!!!!! Just in case you weren't able to make it to Season 16 of the Prayze Factor Awards or you have family and friends that you wish could have seen the show... Take note: on October 4, 2023 the show will be available on PGN TV (get your discounted ppv ticket now). For full details visit https://www.pgntv.org/pay-per-view-events or prayzefactorawards.com. Warning though... IT'S MIND BLOWING!
#prayzefactorawards16 #watchprayzefactor #atlanta #morrowgeorgia #joinTIMAnow #music #GospelMusic #indiemusic #inspiredartistsmovement #IAM #fdcceventcenter #FDCC #faithdeliverencechristianchurch FDCChurch in Morrow