TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!! In just a few hours members here in our Prayze Factor social community will get an early "exclusive" look at the official season 16 ballots announcements... You will also be the first ones to have access to the voting polls (membership has it's privileges) ... REMEMBER, when we post it here it's NOT TO BE SHARED! You don't want to give away your exclusive privileges of being the first ones to have access. We will make everything available to the general public at midnight.

If you want to get your family and friends voting once the polls open please either send them the information privately via email or DM until after it goes public at midnight then everyone will be able to come to the website for full details. Congratulations in advance to all of this year's nominees and stay tuned for more membership privileges from our social community here on the Prayze Factor Awards site!
Congratulations to everyone on your nomination(s)! Be blessed!